Miles: 55.8 miles
Total 82.6
Climbing: 3151
The day was fantastic, gorgeous, long, hot! I will fill you in on all the details tomorrow as we are starting very early as it gets hotter each day. Suffice it to say that we are doing great, eating marvelously, and having lots of adventures. Isn't that what it is all about? Please stay tuned. I just could not get it up tonight. We have a rest day on Thursday after our 90 mile day on Tuesday, so watch for pictures and blog then, if not before!
Oh, one comment for Hal, I climbed a 10-19% grade for 1.5 miles on the 12-27 with no stops!! Hoorray!! I was definitely sucking wind at the top and LOVED the 2 mile downhill after that. More later, y'all!!
Wow! You are guite a biker. We have been to the area of Mt. Hood. We love Oregon. I hope you get the $100,000 donations. I'm sure you will. I'm kind of envious but don't have that much energy. Safe biking - I'll be reading the blog. Cheers, Sharon Foster
Thanks, Sharon. It is great to hear from you!
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