Total Miles: 656.3
Climbing: 1435’
Total descent today: 2676’
Nancy N. and I were supposed to have our pictures taken by Peter this morning but a small communication error had him going to Nancy’s place at the lake instead of our motel…and he was up at 7 am. Sorry we missed you, Peter!
The ride today was mostly very easy, though started out very cool. I have been seeing lots of “Open Range” signs and today we saw why! Right on the side of the road was this bull!

At the same time I was trying to get the photo, a 15 vehicle army convoy was going the other direction! We rode through Council where I stopped to see a small museum about the area and it was well worth the 30 minutes I spent there. There was much excitement in 1898 when the RR came to Council to transport copper from the mines that were located in the area.

There are at least three times as many different jerseys on this trip as there are women. Some days we just look alike and today, for some reason, lots of us wore the same one, our tour jersey.

And this one is for Graham and Sherri. I had to get my grand dog pats in and this one had to do for me today.

We have been seeing many snakes as road kill but today, I saw a live one, about 3’ 6” long and this afternoon I identified it as a Gopher Snake. It was not the first one I have seen! I also saw a fox roadkill today. I also saw several hawks as well as heard them.

The trend of the ride today was definitely downhill, though we had at least a 20 mph headwind for the last 15 miles. I hope this was not a taste of what will come as we begin our ride West in Oregon tomorrow! Once in Cambridge, population 360, I looked for bicycles, as I was one of the last to arrive after my museum visit. The bikes by a restaurant always means FOOD, and cyclists there. We were creating quite a stir, especially when Nancy N. waltzed in wearing the Tutu that she had bought at a little store earlier today!

The locals just knew we were nuts when they heard “the rest of the story.” It is always fun to talk to people about what we are doing! This community is a small farming, ranching, and logging community. It is also the gateway to Hell’s Canyon where we will ride tomorrow, the deepest river canyon in the USA. Since I will have no internet tomorrow night, you will have to wait a bit for that blog entry.

We are at the Frontier Motel tonight and it is a nice little place which I am sure is a very busy place on weekends due to visitors to the Canyon. They had a great sign out front!

Hi Anne,
I'm sure enjoying your tour journal - you're riding thru some pretty country :-)
The yellow and black bike you asked Ben about, is one of Cycle Oregon's logos - it was left there from when Cycle Oregon stayed in Cambridge a number of years ago. We were there! Now you're going to see Hells Canyon, Halfway, Baker City, John Day Fossil Beds, etc - all roads we have ridden on various Cycle Oregon rides. I'm looking forward to your photos and descriptions - seeing familiar places thru new eyes.
Keep having fun!
See? Bostons are all the same, they just want their ears and necks scratched. Tesla says hi.
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