Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Corvallis, OR to Neskowin, OR

Miles: 81.6
Total Miles: 1264.6
Climbing today: 3100’

Today was the first day where we had clouds and misty weather when we left the hotel. I did not wear my raingear but wore my bright yellow wind jacket. I got wet but was too lazy to dig out the rain gear. Our ride on 99W left much to be desired. The shoulder was narrow and there was lots of traffic. That turned out to be the story of the day…traffic, shoulders with glass and gravel, and, oh, did I say traffic? Remember that we were very close to the ocean and it was, after all, high summer season. Some of the roads had very rough pavement, sink holes, and other hazards! The nicest part of the day was 11 miles on Old Route 101. However, we had some long climbs on that road and at the end of an 80 mile day, it was tough riding. The forest was lush and green, with moss on the trees and many wildflowers which were finished blooming.

Lush forests

I saw what another rider also thought was a bobcat dead on the road. It was too big to be a house cat and was colored like a bobcat. There were also the usual deer, chipmunks, squirrels, and skunks, but no snakes today. I also saw my first porcupine road kill.

There was a wonderful field of sunflowers in the misty weather that cheered up my day. I did have a good day after two kind of slow days! That was good as an 81 mile day would have been tough otherwise.

A bright spot in a dreary morning

This was a day of seeing fully loaded cyclists! All were going the opposite direction from us so I could not talk to any of them with the traffic volume. There were about 6 in one group, then a couple, then two guys who spoke a greeting in German and wore no helmets, and then another couple. Today was also a day of wineries. Grapes are grown all over this area and there were wine tasting locations frequently. The fruit continues to be in abundance with blueberries in U-Pick fields common along the route. The wild blackberries are everywhere and delicious and very sweet.

One of many vineyards today

We entered the town of Neskowin which was very small. Our accommodations, right on the beach, were in condominiums. The beach was very close and fairly warm and sunny by the time we arrived, mid to late afternoon. The water was very cold, very, very cold! Right in front of our housing was a rock called Proposal Rock. Apparently, it was named that because it is a romantic place for proposing. Today, there was a rip roaring tide around the back of the rock and I can’t imagine going across it to get to the rock. Six weeks ago, a man was planning to propose to his girlfriend and she was swept away by a rogue wave as they tried to cross to the rock in low tide and it swept her away. I was talking to Ben on the phone as I watched the rock from the beach and it was really scary the way the water came rushing around behind the rock as the tide neared the high for the day and the waves crashed on the front of the rock.

Proposal Rock

Beach in front of our motel

The beach was beautiful and we look forward to a day off after a 70+ mile ride tomorrow. We will be in Manzanita, OR in a beach front motel. Our route is supposed to be gorgeous, but with lots of climbing. The ACA maps show a very tough day ahead. Today had 3100’ of climbing and lots of rollers as we crossed the Coastal Mountains. The coast has lots of rolling hills, too, so I am sure we will have more of the same tomorrow but with better views.

Our dinner tonight was cornbread and chili with salad and brownies for dessert. The gulls were sitting on the roof overlooking our chairs set up in our usual circle for dinner. They were obviously eyeing the food. As soon as everyone went through the buffet line, a gull flew down to the top of the trailer near the food tables and was interested in being a part of our buffet. One of our riders quickly chased it off! I wish I had a picture! It was quite hilarious.

Vickie, Denise, and Linda...sous chef, guide, and chef

Jackie Marchand, President of WomanTours and Pat

Valerie in her sparkly purple hat


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne: Sorry I haven't written earlier. I really enjoy your postings and pictures. You should work freelance for a travel magazine. You are quite talented! We miss you. We are having good rides but nothing like you are experiencing. We are doing the Poker Ride Sunday. Girls Inc. has resurrected Hal's exact ride, so we take off at 2:00 in the heat of the day! Go figure! HA! Kurt

Ben said...

i still love you even tho you've left me again

AnnieBikes said...

I will be home in a few days!!! I love you, too!

heron45 said...

Hi Anne
Thanks so very much for your blog. My friends and family knew where we were on tour.
I loved your enthusiasm for all the places we were ; it was contagious and got me excited about history especially at the museum in Bend. I hope to meet up again riding or ?
Happy trails