Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rest Day, Manzanita

Miles 3.1
Total 1341.1

It has been a great, lazy rest day. It was very foggy and did not clear off until about 3:30 PM and we walked through the small town shopping and I updated the blog. That takes alot of time!

Dressed up warm for the very cool morning off

Nancy B thinks WT should have this pup as a mascot

After lunch and when it was starting to get sunny, Ramsey and I took a nice long walk on the beach.

This water is FREEZING!

Next I cleaned my bike and super glued the holes in my tires. The are so beat up from the rides, especially on 101! I also adjusted the brakes and the wheel appears to be a bit out of true. Nothing I can do about that myself! I took a test ride down to the end of the town, about one mile and checked to see if all was well. It was then that I saw a coyote crossing the road. I have been very lucky seeing wildlife.

The day was nice and I am going for a final walk on the beach! Good night.

Another gorgeous sunset at Manzanita, probably my last on the West coast for a long time

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