Total Miles: 405.1
Climbing: 3062
It was chilly this morning and many people started with tights, arm warmers, and/or jackets. Many went to the Patit Creek encampment reenactment done in silhouette which I saw yesterday, but my ride partner today, Kathie, had not seen it so I rode out again. After we were back on the main road, we had a wonderful tail wind and were going 28-30 mph on the flats. It was awesome! We had a short climb and then a 6% downhill for three miles. Ramsey went 46 mph! I cannot do that but had a high of 39.1 mph. The road was smooth, straight, and windy. A SAG stop about mile 30 was the "strip the layers" and sun block stop. At 36, Kathie and I stopped in Pomeroy at Donna’s Place for a nice late breakfast sandwich and a stop at the Courthouse, a really nice, old building.

We were warned about the 2.6 mile “climb” for today, followed by a 15 mile downhill. Where I come from this would not count as a climb but just a hill! It was a 3-5% grade and I climbed it going from 8-10 mph, but with a headwind. I reached the top of Alpowa (rhymes with Alcoa) Pass at 2785’ and Kathie was waiting. (She is a great climber) I snacked up and put on my jacket which was in the SAG vehicle and started down the 15 mile, greatly anticipated downhill all the way to Clarkston, WA. However, the downhill was about 3-4% and I never had to brake even once on the whole trip down, going about 30-35 all the way….with a headwind. By the time the 1% downhill grade came, we needed to pedal every bit of the way!

A short stop at Chief Timothy Park and Lake was a nice diversion, although the lady at the gate was VERY worried about letting us in without the use fee. She said we could ride through if we came out in five minutes! What a joke! We rode around the lovely park on the lake for 15 or so minutes!

Just after that, we saw some basalt cliffs like Hat Rock (from a few days ago).

In Clarkston, there was a magnetic force that pulled Kathie and I right into the Baskin Robbins for a chocolate milkshake. After 77 miles, we needed that recovery drink for the 91 tomorrow! Soon after, we crossed the Snake River into Idaho, but the Welcome to Idaho sign was right on the bridge where we were pedaling as fast as we could to get across! So my dear readers, you just have to imagine the sign! Lewiston was a nice little town with Saturday traffic and not much open in the downtown area. We did see a wedding party on the street as we passed by. I decided to forego any sightseeing in this town as our motel was located on the far end and it was too late to go back to visit the few sights.
Nancy B. rejoined the group tonight and Nancy N. celebrated her entry into the Medicare years with a little birthday celebration and a delicious (as usual) dinner by Chef Linda.

Our after dinner map meeting was lengthy due to the long ride for tomorrow. The cue sheets covered two full pages but there is some bike trail riding out of this town. Everyone is nervous about the length of the climb from mile 30 to mile 40, 10 miles of 4-7% grades with some up to 9%. Sounds just like Holston Mountain to me, my home training grounds. I can’t wait! I may not be able to make too many side trips tomorrow with the length of the ride, but I will decide that as we go.
For those map lovers, our route will take us through Hell’s Gate State Park, onto Hwy. 505, probably not on the map and onto 95-S to Craigmont. We will then ride on Old Hwy. 7 and then Route 12 East toward Kamiah, our destination for tomorrow night.
As always, all of us in my family are fascinated by your adventures. I particularly enjoyed the Lewis and Clark references from yesterday..
I had a nice surprise on Wednesday--it was a chemo day for me, and while I was to see Dr. Prill the next day, they asked me when I got there if it would suit me to see Dr. Cowan instead--on Wednesday. I immediately said that was great! I enjoyed having a chat--we talked about you!
Our daughter Peyton and I will continue to read your journal every day--I can't express how awesome I think you are to take on all of this!
Ann Gregory (your St. Paul press agent!)
Counting the days until you get to Sisters. Turns out that I will have more time to spend with you in Sisters because I was laid off from my job last Friday. I wouldn't have been surpised if I was laid off a year ago, because I was the last to be hired, but I thought that I had survived. Guess just too much unemployment in Oregon,and now I am one of the statistics! Anyway, we'll talk more when you get to Sisters and in the meantime I am enjoying reading your entries. It seems like you are having a great trip.
what wonderful entries! I love living vicariously through your words and pictures. Please tell my sister Peg (she is part or your tour group) that Tim, Mattie, and I send our love!
And thanks for the great pictures and descriptions!
Pat, Peg is one of my ride partners. We are having a great time and I am enjoying getting to know her on this trip. She is a good rider!
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