I just got a phone call from Ben and he and Jack rode 45 miles both on and off the C&O Canal Trail today. It was washed out in places as they have had weather like we have...rain, rain, rain. But today, though overcast, there was none. They are camped at Killiansburg Cove, near Shepherdstown, WV. The prediction is for more rain tonight, but perhaps a nicer day tomorrow, translated to 50% chance of showers and thunderstorms tomorrow. The campground is totally muddy and they are camped on a hill. Since we have gotten 2.9" of rain in the past 6 days, I am sure that the campgrounds up there are very muddy. They haven't seen many people, I guess, though I did not ask him.
In other news from the home front...Bike Virginia, which we will ride in June has closed registration at 2000 riders. I am really glad that all of us who are going from Bristol have registered. I am so looking forward to that 5 day ride and the celebration of our 35th anniversary on the ride! We have been backpacking so many times on our anniversary that it will be fun to be cycling this year.
The Tour de Possum Creek, which has been part of the Kingsport Fun Fest every year, has been cancelled. That has been the most fun "competitive" ride we have done for many years and for the past three, I have "raced" in it, even coming in second place twice in my old age division. Perhaps there is a liability issue, as someone was hurt last year. Well, duh, when you have 300 people go for a ride, someone is going to fall off and get hurt. That is a disappointment, for sure, but there may be another cycling group that will sponsor it. We shall see. We ride with a group who always go, so we will miss it this year. We can always hope.
Rain, rain, go away....
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