Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ben and Jack's Great Slog

Well, the ride has become a slog! They have not camped once, opting for the B&B's in the pouring rain they have experience since Saturday's departure from McKeesport, PA. They rode extra far yesterday, 60 miles, to take advantage of the offer to be picked up by my brother in Hancock, MD and delivered to his house in Breezewood, PA. There, the two cold and wet cyclists had a shower, did laundry, quaffed a few home brews (I am sure) and ate. Today, they are having a layover for the day and Pete will put them back on the C&O Canal trail on Thursday morning. The rains continue!

As for me, I celebrated the big 60 yesterday with dinner out with my father-in-law and Ben's former oncology partner, Sue. I received numerous phone calls from my sons and my brothers, and my parents. It kept my cell busy! Even Morgan got in on the action by wishing me the clearest Happy Birthday, Nana, that I could imagine! She must have been practicing!

Thanks to all who helped make the day nice. I wish I could have gotten in a bike ride but the rain was heavy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all that rain. But, I just loved "Happy Birthday, Nana." Maybe baby Rachel will be able to say that to me in 70th. Oh my. Now, I will always remember your age...10 years younger than me. Let me tell you, the years between 60 and 70 go SOOOOOO fast...enjoy! Peggy