Ben has signed a contract with Wellmont to be the Hospice Medical Director! He has been doing this for most of the past 15 years so it isn't like a new job!!! It is a 15 hour a week job and although it is not his ideal retirement choice (no work at all), he feels very connected with the hospice program here. Since he left, they have had no Boarded Hospice Physician, though they have a doctor covering call and seeing patients. It is 24/7 and no one can do that all the time. I guess the stipulation is that Ben cannot cover every hour of every day. He loves hospice, as I do, or why would I have ridden across the country twice for them and be riding this summer 1500 miles to raise funds for them? We are both dedicated to the wonderful work that Hospice does and I am glad that Ben feels that it is important enough for him to support the nurses by going back to work for them part time until they find a full time director.
A lot of soul searching has gone into this decision but I think it is the right one for Ben and he seems happy to be doing it. He will not start until we return from Bike Virginia next week. When I went to my volunteer job yesterday at the hospital, I had many people come up and hug me and say how happy they were that he was going to cover Hospice again. And then there were those who were flabbergasted that his retirement only lasted 6 weeks!
He has enjoyed the time off so much and together we have gotten so much done in the yard, garden, and house. He has brewed beer and taken his Beer Judge Certification Exam. He has ridden 1000 miles on a self supported bicycle trip. In six short weeks, he has packed in a lot of work and play. He still will, being off part time. We can make this work! I am glad he is doing it. We love hospice!
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