It has been a while since I updated this blog, mainly due to many events happening recently. Ben's mom passed away in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning and we have been very busy since then with all that an event like that entails. It was a blessing for us that her life has ended as she would never have wanted to live the way she has been in the past three years and especially in the past year. We have received so many cards and notes, food, and donations to her favorite charities. We will continue to provide dinner at our house for Ben's dad, as we have been for these three years. I am now doing his grocery shopping for him as it is just too hard for him.
Most of the family came in for the visitation last Monday night, and went home the same day! The Nashville Cowans had a very long drive that day, coming up and driving back. Graham and Sherri came from Knoxville and Sherri got a bug that had been going around her family so she went back early with her cousin who kindly drove up for the visitation and her son stayed to drive back with Graham. Thanks, Michael. Then I went down to pick up Morgan on Tuesday morning from Sherri's parents so that Sherri did not have to deal with Morgan while being sick. Morgan already had the bug right after Thanksgiving!!
Morgan stayed all week and then Graham and Sherri came on Friday. Sherri and I had a ladies night out in Johnson City, with dinner and a trip to a craft show/sale being run by some friends of mine, and then the computerized light show in Bristol, which we loved. On Saturday, we had a great trip up to Whitetop to cut our Christmas trees, then back to decorate ours. We had a 2" snow and Morgan had a blast playing, throwing snowballs and making a snowman. Later in the day on the 5th, some of their friends and two daughters from Knoxville drove up for dinner and then went to Bristol Motor Speedway for the Fantasy in Lights show. It was four miles of Christmas lights. It was wonderful but the wait was really long for the three little girls. Once in, it was fun and the guys driving the two car loads loved speeding down the dragway and around the racetrack and up on the banked turns within the track! The friends left to drive back to Knoxville and we started home and then decided to go to the "other" light show here in Bristol which is all computerized to music. It was terrific (2nd time for Sherri and me!) and all the adults seemed to enjoy that one much better than the lights at the speedway.
It has been a busy and emotional two weeks and I am barely thinking of Christmas. But having Morgan for the week last week made me get out the decorations and she helped put them up!